Stakeholders in the professionalization of HPE teachers in Ontario

Colloque du CRIFPE
Communication orale
Agir comme professionnel de l'enseignement : le travail
Professionalization of health and physical education (HPE) teachers is a highly charged and contested concept both globally and within Canada (Kougioumtzis et al., 2011). Given that aspects of professionalization, such as organizational/situational barriers and perceptions of low prestige, contribute directly to teacher attrition (Banville & Rikard, 2009), understanding HPE teachers’ professionalization is crucial. The path to professionalization for Canadian teachers is governed by each province, creating unique provincial contexts. In Quebec, HPE teachers have called for the establishment of a professional order for over 40 years. However, such calls have been largely ignored by the provincial government. Ontario offers a unique comparative context in that it is the only province in Canada that has a professional organization – the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) – which licenses, governs and regulates the teaching profession. In addition to the OCT, within Ontario, there are many stakeholders who influence the professionalization of HPE teachers. Understanding who these stakeholders are and how they influence HPE teachers’ professionalization offers insight into the place and value of PE and challenges and issues that are faced in the professionalization process. Understanding these factors in the context of Ontario holds important implications for teachers in Quebec seeking professionalization.
Cecilia Borges
Université de Montréal - CRIFPE - Canada

Cecilia Borges est professeure titulaire à la Faculté de sciences de l’éducation de l’Université de Montréal. Sa programmation de recherche s’appuie sur la sociologie du travail et sur le champ d’études des savoirs enseignants. Ses recherches portent sur les savoirs et le travail des enseignants d’éducation physique, sur l’insertion professionnelle et l’évolution de savoirs enseignants au long de ce processus, ainsi que sur la collaboration et le développement professionnel enseignant. Actuellement, elle étudie la professionnalisation en éducation physique en Québec et en Ontario. Elle est membre régulier CRIFPE.

Stephanie Beni
Brock University - Canada

Stephanie Beni is a postdoctoral Research Associate in the Centre for Healthy Youth Development Through Sport at Brock University and the Interuniversity Research Centre on the Training and Profession of Teaching at the University of Montreal. Her research interests lie primarily in identifying practical tools by which physical education teachers and youth sport coaches can foster meaningfulness for young people in movement-based contexts and in physical education teachers’ professional learning. As a former physical education teacher, she has supported teachers in their professional learning through the facilitation of communities of practice and is currently interested in the professionalization of physical education teachers.

2022-05-05 14 h 30
20 minutes